Berlin Post-War Modernism – New Book!

Would you like it modern? Author Nicola von Albrecht charts ideas and initiatives of the German Werkbund for modern living in the aftermath of WWII. Alongside historic documents the book presents works from the D.I.Y. Home Advice Centre which was part of the successful exhibition of the same name at the Werkbundarchiv – Museum of Things in 2017.

gern modern? Wohnkonzepte für Berlin nach 1945 (in German only)
Schaukasten # 5 (publication series of the museum)
Concept / Author: Nicola von Albrecht
Editors: Werkbundarchiv – Museum of Things and Nicola von Albrecht
Book Design (based on the series design by Simone Schöler): Rose Apple

Find out more about the exhibition (that I co-designed) and the DIY Home Advice Centre (that I co-curated) here! The book is available via the shop of the Museum of Things or their website.

Photos of the book by Rose Apple